Google OnHub - A Wireless Router from Google

Google have invented a new router partnered with TP-Link called “OnHub”. It looks like a cylinder. OnHub is smart enough to find best Wi-Fi connection for you, especially if you are in an area where there are lots of active Wi-Fi networks.

The exiting thing about OnHub is there’s a app to install on your phone (Android and iOS) set up the router and manage it. 

Using the mobile app, you can share your Wi-Fi password, give priority network access to prefered devices, track your bandwidth usage, and manage all the other basic router features. But when compared with normal routers, these features are somewhat limited. But you can access to basic DNS and WAN settings, port forwarding and Universal Plug-and-Play settings.

The OnHub router have a single physical port. Which means Google has design the device to support wireless devices especially. But in the future Google will introduce new models with more physical ports.

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