Free SSL (HTTPS) for Blogger Blogs

Google has announced HTTPS support for Blogger blogs. HTTPS is very important in internet security. It is key factor to identify a secured web. It entrust the privacy and the security of the website owners and its visitors.

If you are Blogspot author and interested in enabling HTTPS support log into Blogger dashboard, click on the blog you’d like to make HTTPS enabled, go to the Settings page, and select "yes" for "HTTPS Availability". This Feature is not available for blogs with custom domains.

Once enabled, your blog will become accessible over both HTTP and HTTPS connections. Blogspot authors should be aware that if they choose to encrypt at this time, some of the current functionality of their blog may not work over HTTPS. This can be a result of template, gadgets, and blog post content, and is often caused by mixed content errors, some of which may be fixable by the author themselves.

We’ll also be moving some of our own blogs over to HTTPS gradually, beginning with the Official Google Blog and the Google Online Security Blog.