Reincarnation of Google Plus

Few months back Google  managed to split YouTubeGoogle Photos  and Hangouts, which are their major services from Google+. Because of this most people thought that Google will give up with Google+. But recently Google announce that they have introduce a new version of Google+.

The new Google+ is relaunched focusing on interests and mobile-first rather than focusing on traditional "Social Networking". This new approach highlights Google+ Communities and the lates feature "Collections". Here users can join Communities and follow Collections based on their interests. For instance think that you are interested in Android. So you can find and join Communities based on Android. Their you can share awesome news and knowledge with other people who have the same interests like you. You also can follow Collection on Android. So this will allow you to share and learn what you like. Not only that, you can meet people with same interests like you. This is really a cool idea.

Google+ also updated its UI more mobile-friendly. The UI is designed to fit any screen size, that means the new interface is responsive. Interface is design according to the material design. It is simple and loads faster than the older Interface.

Join the new Google+ version. If you already a Google+ user log in to your account and switch to the new interface.

If you are interested in Computer Networking, Virtualization and Cloud Computing, join our Google+ Comunity here and Follow our Google+ Collection here.