Google Maps Becomes More Assistive with AR

Google Maps has announced plans to become more assistive and personal with new features that will help you figure out what to eat, drink and do.

"Goodbye to endless rolls through lists of recommended restaurants or group texts with friends who never end in a decision on where to go," Google has published.

An Explore tab will present everything you need to know about dining options, events and activities in an area of ​​your interest.

Top lists will feature information from local experts, Google algorithms, and trusted publishers so you can see all that's new and interesting.

New features will help you create plans as a group or create a short list of places within the app and share it with friends on any platform.

The coolest thing that Google announce about Maps was the new augmented reality features in Street View version of Google Maps that can lead pedestrians by overlaying maps on their camera with specific directions on which way to go and information on exactly what's around you. For this Google uses augmented GPS with VPS (Visual Positioning System)