The First Song Made in Collaboration with BL Studio

We are proud to introduce our stable version of BL Studio today (27th of April 2019). And not only that, in the same day we are happy to share the first song composed in collaboration with Buddhi Live Studio and a human. Here’s the story behind the first song explained by Buddhi Kavindra, the founder of BL Studio and also the first Artist to work with BL Studio.

Story of the First Song

Today evening, after finishing the final tests with BL Studio Melodica, I was curious to see how useful it is. So I uploaded a MIDI file and hit the auto composer and listen to melody sequence it generated. First one was nice, but not satisfactory. So I keep doing the process another time. Then that sequence stuck in my mind. I felt this could be a nice piece of music. So I download the MIDI file.

Then I opened LMMS (formerly Linux MultiMedia Studio) , my favorite DAW (since I love open source stuff) and start adding instruments, beats etc. Well I’m not well versed in LMMS or music production, but I had a beat in my head and use my prevailing skill to develop the little MIDI sequence in to a complete song. So it may have some glitches.

Anyway, BL Studio gave me an music idea by generating a musci sequence. It helped me to create a piece of music. It only took 45 minutes to finish the work. I believe that’s super cool for person who has very little knowledge about music production like me. Finally it helped me to become a kind of Artist (LOL).

And I name the song “The Rolling In”. It’s just a random name came in to my mind. So “The Rolling In” is the first song composed in collaboration with BL Studio. It is a song made in collaboration with a human and an AI. And also it’s my first song (:D). As a programmer, it’s a great pleasure for me.

This isn’t the first song to be made in collaboration with AI. There are lots of songs by AI on internet. You can find out those songs on YouTube. We like to know what you have created with BL Studio. Share your song with #MadeWithBuddhiLive hash tag on social media.

By the way I forgot to share the First Song made with BL Studio. I know you are eagerly waiting to listen to it. So here it is on SoundCloud. (Comments are Welcome. Cheers!)