How to Make a Chatbot Using Machine Learning (TensorFlow)

Chatbots have been very famous these days. With the evolution of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Technologies, Chatbots have gain a significant popularity in the industry. Many companies are trying to build Chatbots for their businesses.

There are lots of Chatbot frameworks in the internet. Some are free and some are paid. Different frameworks has different capabilities. And there are some opensource frameworks as well. Those opensource frameworks allows developers to create Chatbots from the scratch.

Among many Machine Learning and Deep Learning frameworks, TensorFlow has become very popular and powerful. Building a Chatbot using TensorFlow is easy. “BuddhiNLP” is an Open Source Chatbot Framwork build using TensorFlowJS.

BuddhiNLP is developed using Tensorflow.js for intent classification and response retrieval for building chatbots. BuddhiNLP helps to develop self-hosted chatbots using NodeJS.


  • Train model with single line of code.
  • Intent Classification.
  • Response retrieval.
  • Self-hosted (You have control over your data)
  • Build using NodeJS and TensorflowJS
  • More features are coming on the way…

Read Documentation

We invite you to read our official documentation to learn more about this library. And if you face any issue, please feel free to report the issue here.