Google Cardboard - A Virtual Reality Platform from Google

Google Cardboard

Google Cardboard is a virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) platform developed by Google. Google Cardboard works with a head mount made out of cardboard for mobile phone. This cardboard head mount gives the name for Google VR "Google Cardboard". Google Cardboard allows anyone to expierience Virtual Reality in a simple and cheap way. Google Cardboard was introduced in Google I/O Conference 2014.

Google Cardboard Viewer Template

There are special Apps developed for Google Cardboard on Google Play Store. There are over 5 million cardboard viewers sold and over 1000 compatible apps on Google Play Store by the end of January 2016. You can find detailed information about Google Cardboard project in "Google Cardboard Overview: VR On The Cheap".

You can get your Google Cardboard viewer at:

You can download Google Cardboard compatible apps from: